Term Papers on Creative Writing |
Personal Writing: Son's Trip To The Emergency Room
Number of words: 1013 - Number of pages: 4.... was blood streaming from his wrist area down his arm. My heart sank as I searched for the open wound. My first thought was that he cut a vein in his wrist and panic raced through my body with the fear that he would bleed to death before I could get him to the hospital. As quickly as I could, I grabbed him from the floor and ran to the bathroom to get a towel and wrapped it around his wrist. I flew out the door and down the street to a neighbor, bare feet and all. I pounded on the door like a maniac and screamed "help, my son is bleeding to death." She let me in and took Travis from me. .....
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Personal Writing: The Dangers Of Drinking And Driving
Number of words: 527 - Number of pages: 2.... to the fullest because you never know when
you’re going to go. Kyle affected all of us at school. The next day after
the accident the whole school as grieving. I knew then that Kyle was a
part of us all and when he died a little part of us all died with him.
Kyle was really smart and talented; he wrote poetry, he was accepted to a
good college and he was a really good baseball player too.
This shows me no matter how bright your future looks it could end
at any moment in time. I just hope God has a good place for him because he
had a good future ahead of him and it’s a shame he di .....
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Creative Writing: The Crash
Number of words: 886 - Number of pages: 4.... Jesse took off his grandmother sat there on the couch, clutching
the work shirt of her dead son crying, "Oh Edward, Oh Edward." The cries echoed
through the empty house as the grandmother sat there in tears.
"How could this have happened?" Thought Jesse to himself, "he was just in
Green Bay and now he's dead. Who did this? They will get theirs."
The only thing that kept Jesse going was his hatred. He had to devise a
plan to get back at the person who did this. The only thing he could think of
was to repay blood for blood.
Jesse didn't know the exact details of the accident, bu .....
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Creative Writing: The Haunted House
Number of words: 1536 - Number of pages: 6.... could reach the door, "Ready to go
trick or treating?"
"You bet!" said Katie, who was a ghost.
"Well, what are we waiting for?" Jenny asked, she was a witch.
They went to 98 houses before they went to the haunted house. They
got 5 candies at each house, so they each have 490 candies. The 98th house
was their last house except the haunted one which is supposed to be
Chapter 2
The Fright
They got to the haunted house. They knocked on the door. The door
opened all by itself. They got scared. They started walking inside the
house. They went into a bedroom.
All of a sud .....
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I Declare My Independence From Homework
Number of words: 428 - Number of pages: 2.... impossible work-loads assigned by
teachers. It forces students to do repetitive work, even if they already
understand the subject matter. The concept of homework is so ingrained
into the minds of teachers that they do not see that it is even bad from
their prospective. Assigning homework means that a teacher must waste
valuable class time going over it when they could be lecturing and teaching
the subject matter just as effectively. In the cases of larger homework
assignments, teachers waste their valuable time grading it. Homework adds
to an already inordinate amount of time spent on ed .....
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Number of words: 316 - Number of pages: 2.... ride in so people would know it was
Hades can have his pet Cerberus, a three-headed dragon tailed dog,
guard the nations money and other stuff that might need to be guarded. So
if anyone tries to rob it, they won't be able to get through.
And for all the people who can't afford an education, Hades will pay
for it so everybody is qualified for a job.
So if your going to vote, vote for Hades, because he is the best god
for President. Why? Because he can solve a lot of problems and he can
make this country a better place to live in. .....
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Creative Story: The Ride
Number of words: 860 - Number of pages: 4.... little studying. My
father made being at home a very uneasy feeling, making me want to stay away
even more. He never took any time to help me with school, car or money. I
always had to work to earn everything, the only thing I wasn't paying for was
rent. In turn I wanted little to do with my father, stepmother or brother,
never contributing or helping out. I even stopped going with them on vacations.
The feelings I had were that I just wanted to be alone by myself, independent.
For four months after the accident I was unable to do anything that I
had previously done in the normal routin .....
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Creative Writing: A Day At The Park
Number of words: 530 - Number of pages: 2.... and picked up the tickets, I raced home to
get my wife and son ready to go. Over the next half hour, I almost
regretted having to bring my son, what with the hassle of getting the
diaper bag packed , the traffic, and fighting the crowds while pushing a
stroller. It was hectic, but I survived.
Finally we were situated and ready for the game. The singing of
the national anthem was finished and we were waiting for the first pitch.
All of a sudden it hit me, for some reason I couldn't have been prouder.
There I was, holding my son and watching my childhood heroes, sharing his
first major .....
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Personal Writing About My Mother And Her Stay In The Hospital
Number of words: 654 - Number of pages: 3.... I don't remember very much after that, except for the fact
that the period of time my mother was in the hospital fell on her birthday. So,
all of the family, except me, sat down next to the stereo. My father plugged in
a microphone, popped in a blank cassestte and hit record. Each one of the
children started to sing "Happy Birthday", then ended with a personal message.
My father then recorded his message. I was in so much shock and horror that I
didn't want to record anything. I was under the belief that my mother wasn't
coming home at all.
My family kept trying to get me to reco .....
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Employee Theft At Staples
Number of words: 634 - Number of pages: 3.... leave the store. Three Palm Vs were now in Martin’s possession, Jesse made off with some RAM, Doug robbed some hard drives, and Jason even pilfered a laptop. Most of the guys claimed that the lack of proper wages justified the theft. “After all,” Doug said one day, “All we’re doing is stealing from Staples what they owe us anyway.” I was scared. Was there a chance of losing my job if I didn’t reveal the secret to a member of management? And if I did tell, would getting involved put me at risk? When is being moral wrong?
I decided that telling a manager would be the best .....
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