Term Papers on Creative Writing |
Books; Life Long Friends
Number of words: 771 - Number of pages: 3.... ways and planning our revenge at the ensuing recess. This always made
lunch go by so swiftly. It was hard to tear us apart. Hell, it was hard to
tell us apart. We were both round bodied and a bit out of shape. But I always
saw Belle in a jovial light. She had a merry way about her, and her laugh was
infectious; it reminded me if Christmas bells, tingly, jingling and warm. I
miss her. She was happy, giving and warm. Upon reflection, these are the
attributes I look for in friends.
Rachelle holds a special place in my heart. I work with her and have
found her to be a superb liste .....
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Creative Writing: The Unforgettable Man
Number of words: 1060 - Number of pages: 4.... at me. "He is going, something happened, do something, do something
now!", demanded the distressed lady standing right at the bed side. I had seen
this man before, although I had never spoken to him. I had know idea that he
was not in a stable health.
"All right, all right," I replied in frustration, not knowing exactly what
to do first. I looked at the 84 year old overweight male patient. He appeared
very pale with his brown colored eyes half shut looking desperately at me for
some sort of help. My mind was becoming blank, as I could not believe what I
was about to experience. I .....
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Personal Writing: Nothing Can Bring You Peace But Yourself
Number of words: 776 - Number of pages: 3.... she had
put it there. This turned out to be the first, but not the last, accident
that would occur. What didn't we argue about? After about, four years,
we became the best friends ever. We were perfectly compatible with each
other. We began spending all our time together. We were vital to each
other. I came to know each and every detail about her life as she did
about mine. It was the most enduring friendship of my life.
I looked at the clock above my head. Six fifty. She was supposed
to arrive at five o'clock. I felt uncomfortable, some weird feeling
crawled around my heart. .....
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Personal Writing: What Freedom Of Speech Means To Me
Number of words: 306 - Number of pages: 2.... in their grasp.
Any person, at any time, can say anything they want to. And for good reason.
We are a democracy where the people make the rules, and the people own the
country. The place that the government should step in is when it endangers,
damages, or insults another human being.
When the leaders of our country wrote the constitution of the
United States, they knew that their rules would have to be broken sometime
in the future. What they didn't think would happen, is that the rules would
be broken barely more than two hundred years after they were written. The
freedom of speech is a r .....
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Personal Writing: My Most Memorable Experience
Number of words: 791 - Number of pages: 3.... for at least an hour. The hunger was uncontrollable,
an almost eerie feeling, one you get before riding a roller coaster, came
to me. No one else seemed to complain, so I attempted to ignore the issue
by putting myself to sleep.
Over 45 minutes had past before I was awaken so abruptly by the
grasp of my dad large hand on my shoulder. "Time for lunch!" quaintly said
with a jolly cheer hidden deep in his voice. One after another we trickled
from the car, emptying quite quickly. I took a large deep breath of what I
assumed would be fresh air. Instead, I coughed. The air wreaked of
e .....
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The Fog
Number of words: 534 - Number of pages: 2.... into the steering wheel and knocking her unconsciousness,
It was Mister Jones, who did not slow down in the heavy fog and did not see the stop sign at the intersection; he was thrown through the windshield.
Mrs. Little was rushed to the Hospital and listed in critical condition, gee gee and henry did not get dinner.
Mr. Jones broke both his legs and lost one arm, he is in Therapy and will need long term rehabilitation. Which means he will lose his business, and he will not be able to pay his child support, which is going to his ex-wife.
She will loose the house that has been in .....
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Personal Writing: Taking The Merkler Interest And Personality Type Self Assessment
Number of words: 670 - Number of pages: 3.... in writing competitions, and still desiring to write
a book someday. I am also wanting to make a career out of computer and
software design. Although I could be very creative in writing essays, the
Merkler stated that I prefer multiple choice tests and projects. I feel
that this is true because multiple choice tests and projects offer more
alternatives. These results also stated that I learn best in an open
climate that permits the free exchange of ideas and the examination of
multitudes of possibilities. I can see the truth in this statement because
I prefer having small classes in .....
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Descriptive Essay Of My Watch
Number of words: 544 - Number of pages: 2.... numbers are
raised in lettering in a gold color. On the rightmost side, there is a
1/2cm x 1/5cm sized box. This box is then further separated in two parts.
2/3s of the box is devoted towards showing the current day's first 3
letters, now showing a THU for Thursday. The remaining space of the box is
set aside for the date of the month. In this box the number 14 is shown.
Both, the day and the date, are in white colors. This white is like a
white hospital gown, starched and cleaned. The face of the object has 56
small lines all facing from the outside of the circle towards the middl .....
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Personal Writing: Ski Trip
Number of words: 328 - Number of pages: 2.... up to the
edge of a great slope. The steepness of this colossal block of snow I
stood upon, was frightening. The only was to go was down. I took a deep
breath with no worries, for this was not the first time I was confronted
with a suicide mission. In a heartbeat, the exhilarating feeling of going
downhill on a pair of thin skis took over. The breeze rushed through my
hair and flew vigorously. Veering left and right, dodging inanimate
objects, and racing with my buddies at the same time was truly a thrilling
feeling, although dangerous. Flying down a slope at fifty miles and hour, .....
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The Pharmacy
Number of words: 526 - Number of pages: 2.... appreciate it”. After arguing for a while the coutomer left. Then someone dropped a case of Slim Fast that bangs agents the floor. The brown liquid was poring out of the box like a river and some started to spray everywhere. Immediately they paged someone from the cleaning department. While the cleaning person was on it was to clean up the spill; an employee put an orange hazard sign on top of it. To the left there was a person putting away stock on the shelf. The floor was white and the cart was silver. There was some stuff in the cart, along with a lot of plastic warping the .....
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