Term Papers on Creative Writing |
Hobby And Sport
Number of words: 424 - Number of pages: 2.... smoke everyday. Then it tells
you if you smoke too much. These programs are not useful because they don't
satisfy any of the two demands: 1) It doesn't fulfill any of my needs.
2)It's not suitable for a wider audience.
Today, the list of programs I have made, satisfy in a much more
professional way those simple requirements. I have made, in cooperation
with a friend, a game which tests your short-term memory. There must be a
thousand of those on the market today, but 'RecoN' has a very nice
graphical interface, and online help. We released the game as 'shareware'.
This means that anyone .....
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What Is Freedom
Number of words: 385 - Number of pages: 2.... have
spent so much of their valuable time retrieving. I feel that is just a
bunch of (excuse my vulgarity) crap. I feel people should have the right
to know what they want to know without being accused of breaking and
entering, and trespassing in someone else's computer.
I think people are just getting defensive when I seem to know more
than I should know. Like, a teacher or someone that has supposedly had
high level of training, or is an expert in a subject, feels pressured or
challenged because of the fact that I might know more than he or she does
just by gift or extreme talent. I fe .....
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Personal Writing: Attending College At MTSU
Number of words: 362 - Number of pages: 2.... never understood that sentence until I have tried all my best to get into a college. So, I learned to treasure all the chances that I have.
Before I enter MTSU, I'm shy, and I do not talk very much in class. But after I entered MTSU, I have met people from different countries and different cultures. I have become more self-confident, and have gained higher self-esteem. I began to participate in group activities.
I'm glad that I have the chance to attend college, and my dream has came true. I feel confident about my future and I hope that people who do not decided to attend college will change .....
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Creative Story: Grandpa
Number of words: 1041 - Number of pages: 4.... got back the front desk informed us that somebody had called
from San Fransisco. We all had an idea of what it was about. My mom and grandma
were both sobbing. They were crying in way that didn't show. My dad and I felt
very sad even though we didn't know my grandpa very well. Before we had gone to
Las Vegas we sat down with my aunt and my mom said " if anything happened to my
grandpa to call us at the hotel room." When we heard that they had called we
were all sweating as if it was raining right above us. When we called back it
seemed like an eternity. My mom called, you could hear every b .....
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Creative Writing: This Girl
Number of words: 560 - Number of pages: 3.... after I sleep with this woman are so incredible that it
makes me a little crazy the next day.
Why do my parents keep bothering me? I can hold my own now. I am mature,
I am a man. I do get distracted real easily and my parents keep ruining my
distraction, I am upset because of that. I have my own apartment in Santa Cruz,
I live in a pardise. California has it all, beautiful beaches, pretty girls,
great bars, money, palm trees, and tons of smog. Can't live without it.
This girl really is a trip. All the things people have said about her
are true. I saw her at the tikki bar the other day, s .....
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One Afternoon
Number of words: 985 - Number of pages: 4.... and yelling at us, threatening to call our mother. Eventually he'd go back inside after he realized he couldn't find us, even though we were crouching behind the nearby pines at the edge of his yard. Still waiting at least ten more minutes (to see if the old crab would emerge from his door) Ryan and I would plan our escape route. A quick sprint down the road would bring us to our destination: the backyard tree fort. It was a plan. A decent plan.
The tree house was where we spent most of our time. It served as our very own private room and office. There we'd plan "attacks," brush up on .....
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Celebration Of My 21st Birthday
Number of words: 1098 - Number of pages: 4.... fun atmosphere where we could joke around. It was not necessary for my friends' boyfriends to show up to this party, but, it seemed that they were mere accompaniment to my friends.
On this night, we all changed out of our class gear of old, comfortable t-shirts and dirty, blue jeans, and wore the best of our casual clothing. For me that meant my tight black pants, light purple, cashmere sweater, and black loafers. This was clearly an occasion that was special and fun, but, not extremely special.
Not everyone arrived on time for the dinner, so after waiting around ten minutes for .....
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The "Around The World" Party At College
Number of words: 1215 - Number of pages: 5.... the crowd surrounding it. Once I reached the keg, I found myself
waiting once again for my beer. The person who was filling up the cups was
not filling them first come first serve. He would fill the cups of his
friends first, then the girls, and then if he had to fill up his own cup he
would. While doing this he was talking his friend whose job it was to
pump the keg when needed. People were sticking their cups in front of the
tap as if they were fighting for food, and they hadn't eaten for days.
There must of have been twenty people all forcing their cups in the general
area of the .....
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Creative Writing: The Big Scoop
Number of words: 1504 - Number of pages: 6.... of mainly large glass windows which provided a very vivid reflection
of the neighboring buildings, almost camouflaging its presence on the block. I
thought of how the buildings appearence is suiting for what is happening inside
at that moment. I casually walked into the revolving glass doors that stood at
the base of the building. There were plenty of stores to my left and right.
They ranged from candy stores selling snickers bars and almond joy to fast food
restaurants selling burgers and french fries and all of the had people inside of
them, spending the money they just withdrew from the .....
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A Bird
Number of words: 429 - Number of pages: 2.... and then the next time I resurrect I’m female. When I’m in state of being male I’m Ho and when I’m female – I’m Oo. Though I know that I’m the only phoenix on the earth, I still hope and pray that I will find my soul mate and live happily ever after.
People who know legends about me say I’m the Bird of Paradise or the Bird of Sun. Well they might be right. I receive solar energy from the sun and advise from the Paradise. That is why my wings are surrounded by fire and my song is so adorable and angelic. If a human happens to hear me singing, that person will be happy .....
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